Darma Persada University Chancellor's Opening Remarks
Dr. H. Dadang Solihin, SE, MA
International Seminar on New Development of Ocean Energy in Asia Pacific
Jakarta, August 24, 2015
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Yth. para senpai dan para dosen Unsada wabil khusus Prof Kamarudin Abdullah
Mr. Harada Tetsuya, Senior Representative of JICA Jakarta,
Representative of Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Prof Takeshi Yasunaga,
Prof Dr Abu Bakar Jafar, University Teknologi Malaysia
Prof Dr Nwe Ni Khin, University of Yangoon,
Prof Dr Nguyen Huu Phuc, Vietnam National University,
Distinguished guests,
Distinguished partyicipants of the seminar,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Selamat pagi, ohayo gozaimasu, good morning to all of you and welcome to our seminar on new development of Ocean Energy in Asia Pacific. We also would like to thank you all for accepting our invitation.
This seminar is the third of its kind organized by our university, Darma Persada University, in collaboration with the Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University. The first and the second seminar were conducted in Denpasar, Bali. It was back to the year of 2011. This year we conduct this international seminar in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Ocean energy is the new emerging technology. In 2014, a 50 kW OTEC was constructed in Okinawa Island of Japan, and we will be listening to the report on how it is operating now from the keynote speaker from Japan. From the keynote speaker from China (People’s Republic of China), we will be listening on the progress of the construction of 10 MW in the Southern Island of China. We hope from these two projects of new technical as well as financial data on OTEC can be collected which can be god references for the coming new projects on ocean energy in the world and especially for Indonesia, where a huge potential of ocean energy exists and not yet being developed. Recenlty, investor from England is beginning to invest on 12 MW of sea current power generation in Indonesia and will be increased to 140 MW in the near future.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
On this occasion, I would like to thank our strategic partners, Persada, the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), PT. Senayan Trikarya Sempana, and Bank Nasional Indonesia (BNI). Also, thank you for the Organizing Committee for preparing this seminar. I hope that by attending this seminar, we can get benefit from new information presented.
Finally, I wish you all a very success in your deliberation. I declare this international seminar is open.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb